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There's something undeniably satisfying about the rich aroma and bold flavor of a perfectly brewed espresso. While it may seem like a daunting task to achieve café-quality espresso at home, with the right equipment and technique, you can become your own barista in no time. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to master the art of brewing the perfect espresso in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Step 1

The foundation of any great espresso is high-quality coffee beans. Depending on what you like, the roast profile you should choose will vary. At Frequency we use a medium light roast profile for our beans which can work well on both espresso machines and filter coffee machines.

Step 2

While it's possible to make a good espresso with a stovetop Moka pot or a manual espresso maker, investing in a quality espresso machine will greatly enhance your results. Look for a machine that can reach up to 9 bars of pressure and allows you to control the extraction time for optimal customization. The Sage coffee machine range is a good starting point for home espresso, but there are many good choices out there, including manual espresso machines.

Step 3

For the perfect espresso, grind your coffee beans just before brewing. Aim for a fine grind consistency similar to table salt. An espresso grinder with precise settings will ensure uniformity in particle size, which is crucial for even extraction.

Step 4

The ideal espresso recipe is a balance of coffee dose, brew time, and extraction yield. At Frequency we recommend using 18 grams of finely ground coffee and we aim to extract 36 grams of espresso in 30 to 35 seconds. This 1:2 ratio of coffee to espresso creates a harmonious balance of flavor and body.

Step 5

After dosing your coffee grounds into the portafilter, use a tamper to evenly compress the grounds. Apply firm, consistent pressure to ensure uniform extraction. A properly tamped puck of coffee grounds will resist water flow evenly, resulting in a well-extracted espresso shot.

Step 6

During the brewing process, keep a close eye on the extraction time. Ideally, the espresso should start flowing between 6 to 10 seconds after initiating the brew cycle. Aim for a total extraction time of 30 to 35 seconds to achieve the perfect balance of flavors. Depending on your coffee equipment, achieving this balance might be harder. We would recommend experimenting with different grind sizes and recipes whilst keeping the 1:2 ratio.

Step 7

Once your espresso shot is pulled, taste the espresso and note its flavor profile. If the shot tastes too bitter, it might be because your extraction time was too long and is a sign you might need to grind a bit coarser. If it is too sour, the opposite might be happening. Adjust your grind size or extraction time accordingly until you achieve the desired balance.

Step 8

Becoming proficient at brewing espresso takes practice and patience. Experiment with different coffee beans, grind sizes, and extraction times to discover your perfect espresso recipe. Keep a journal to track your experiments and fine-tune your technique over time.

Step 9

Brewing the perfect espresso at home is a rewarding journey that requires attention to detail and a passion for great coffee. By following these steps and experimenting with your technique, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of espresso brewing and enjoying café-quality espresso in the comfort of your own home. Cheers to your barista skills and the delightful moments shared over a cup of perfectly brewed espresso!
